Project details

Situation Center of a Regional Governor, Kazakhstan

Kazakhstan is the largest landlocked country in the world and the ninth largest overall. Located in the south of the country, the Kyzylorda region is one of strategically important regions for Kazakhstan. It covers a vast area which includes the famous Baikonur spaceport. Some of the projects run by the regional government include oil and uranium development, the Europe ‑ Western China transport corridor, the Eco project of the Aral Sea recovery. At the same time the distances between population centers present significant administrative and communication challenges for the regional authorities. The situation center became an elegant solution to these challenges.
InAVation Awards Winner 2017
Thanks to the new equipment system, the situation center may be used not only for meetings and conferences, but also for rapid decision-making in case of crisis and emergency situations.

Main activities of the situation center:
  • Monitoring, analysis and forecasting of social and economic development of the Kyzylorda region;
  • Monitoring of Infrastructure and investment projects;
  • Security and risk management in the economic, financial, demographic, industry, information and other sectors;
  • Social and political analysis;
  • Strategic and operative planning for the Kyzylorda region;
  • Preparing and examining decision options on current issues;
  • Providing information support for corporate decision-making;
  • Performance control.
The situation center consists of a main boardroom, an analyst’s suite, an interpreters’ zone and a server room. The client wanted to get a fully-integrated solution from a single provider, employing state-of-the-art audio-visual equipment from leading global manufacturers. Reliability, stability and user-friendliness were the top priorities for the system. The system also needed to be integrable with existing information systems used all over the Republic of Kazakhstan.

The main software requirements were:
  • Display of multiple images from different sources on the video wall;
  • Integration with information systems currently in use by the state bodies of Kazakhstan;
  • Access rights differentiation for the system operators;
  • Online and offline data entry;
  • Creation of demonstration scenarios and their quick editing;
  • Integration with information systems of the government authorities according to specifications.
Public Sector
Project type
Situation Center
Kyzylorda akimat administration
Polymedia-Kazakhstan LLC
Kyzylorda, Republic of Kazakhstan
Polywall version
Polywall PRO
Matrox Mura MPX 44HF
Video wall size
2 video walls 4x2, 3 repeater displays
Display brand
Mitsubishi VS-70HEF projection cubes, Mitsubishi Electric LM55S1 thin frame displays
The infrastructure of the Situation Center includes a meeting room with a desk for the participants, visitors’ sites, analysts’ rooms and cabins for simultaneous interpreters. Polywall software was installed to manage data visualization on two 2x4 video walls (Mitsubishi VS-70HEF projection cubes, Mitsubishi Electric LM55S1 narrow bezel displays), 12 personal displays for meeting participants and 3 auxiliary displays for meeting attendees. Polywall functions include the creation of meeting scripts and the configuration of media windows on the video wall in the main hall so they would match the discussion topics. During major meetings, all the video walls and displays are synchronized to show the current presentation in real time. At the same time the system operators can display any additional information on a personal monitor of each participant.
  • Efficient control of all audiovisual operation modes, both in real time and based on a preprogrammed scenario;
  • Creation and storage of non-linear meeting scenarios, including settings of all hardware and software at any time; immediate launch of scenarios and their editing;
  • Management of various data visualization modes on various types of sources connected to the system;
  • Presentation of large volumes of numerical data from various sources as business graphics for a more intuitive perception, especially on shared displays.
The Situation Center was launched in 2014. The Center team consists of 21 employees, including analysts and technical experts.

Polywall software provides a 24/7 reliable visual support to the entire decision-making process, ensuring:
  • Video wall management support;
  • Live data placement, broadcasting;
  • Organization of remote negotiations and meetings;
  • Data monitoring and forecasting
  • In 2015, the Kyzylorda Situation Center project was a winner of InAVation Awards, a prestigious audiovisual industry award, in the category “Control Room”.

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