About Polywall

About Polywall

About Company

The Polywall is driving the video wall management software market since 2009. The company is operating globally and has offices in Limassol, Cyprus and Dubai, UAE.

The development of the Polywall product, with regular updates, compatibility fixes and the introduction of new features, is continuous. The latest additions facilitate the creation of software-defined AV-over-IP network for full versatility, simple architecture and the best cost structure compared to similar solutions on the market.

Over 800 control rooms, NOCs and SOCs, situation centers and video wall projects have already been successfully delivered across the globe.

Polywall team

Polywall team is ready to help customers and partners to plan, design, deliver and maintain control room projects of any complexity - from a simple KPI room with a 2x2 video wall to a large-scale corporate AV system project with a number of independently-managed control rooms followed by cafeteria walls, signage screens and kiosks.
Project advisors with a vast consulting experience in control room design.
Professional software engineers and system administrators.
Senior software developers & testers.

Contact Us

Silicone Oasis A5, Dubai, UAE

5th floor, 155 Proteas House,
Arch. Makariou III, 3026, Limassol, Cyprus
Get in touch with us to check requirements, receive the full overview of UI and UX and plan your control room project accordingly.
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