2022-11-14 13:57

Modern workplace LIGHTING: trends and requirements

The rapid and widespread introduction of information technology is creating a new type of office - mobile, in which working conditions and its nature are rapidly changing. "Department" is created depending on the task being solved at the moment. This puts forward new requirements for office layout and lighting design.

The new trend is obvious: lighting should be focused on the workplace. This calls for a wider implementation of individual lighting control and leads to the active use of so-called "two-component" systems, which provide individual control of workplace lighting in combination with general, ambient light.

To improve visual comfort, it is desirable to illuminate the walls and ceiling separately, which will also minimize the discomfort from excess light.

More recently, a new digital control system based on the DALI (Digital Addressable Lighting Interface) standard has been introduced to the market. Using the DALI standard, luminaires with electronic ballasts can be individually controlled. This opens up new possibilities for controlling lighting from the workplace using a remote control or a personal computer. In addition, DALI can be integrated into any building automation system.

When intelligent control systems are used with daylight and in combination with other modern sensors, it is possible to accurately set the level of illumination that is needed, which will improve visual comfort and reduce energy consumption.

The application appeared in the mid-90s. new efficient luminaires with T5 light sources (fluorescent lamps with a diameter of 16 mm) also make it possible to solve such problems.
For example, calculations have shown that savings of up to 40% are possible in comparison with installations created before 1995 (and in the case of lamps with electromagnetic ballasts - up to 70%).

To be continued…

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